What to Know About Jet Aeration

Dirty water can be a significant problem for homeowners, farmers, and businesses. Not only is it an eyesore, but it also creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests. While most rely on traditional methods like boiling or chlorination to clean their water, new technology is becoming increasingly popular: jet aeration. 

The development of jet aeration has revolutionized wastewater treatment and led to vast improvements in effluent quality. If you are considering this technology for your plant, here’s what you need to know.

What Is Jet Aeration?

Jet aeration is a wastewater treatment process that uses high-pressure air jets to introduce oxygen into the water. This process is used to treat sewage and other types of water that contains organic matter.

How Does Jet Aeration Work?

The process of jet aeration begins with introducing air into the water through a diffuser. The diffuser breaks the air into small bubbles, which rise to the water’s surface and create a turbulent flow. As the bubbles rise, they draw in water and dissolved oxygen from the surrounding air.

The oxygen-rich water is then drawn through a series of pipes and valves to an aeration tank. In the tank, the water is mixed with bacteria that break down the organic matter. The mixture is then pumped back to the diffuser for re-aeration.

Benefits of Jet Aeration

Improved effluent quality

The main benefit of jet aeration is that it significantly improves effluent quality. By breaking up solids and increasing the amount of oxygen in the water, jet aeration helps remove pollutants and improve the overall quality of the water. This can lead to significant reductions in the amount of sewage that needs to be treated and the costs associated with treatment.

Increased treatment capacity

Jet aeration can be used to increase treatment capacity in existing wastewater treatment plants. This increase in capacity can help to meet the demands of a growing population or industry. Additionally, by adding jet aeration to an existing plant, more sewage can be treated without the need to build a new facility.


When it comes to wastewater treatment, jet aeration is a cost-effective option. It requires less energy than other methods of wastewater treatment, such as activated sludge, and can be used in a smaller footprint. It can also be used in conjunction with other treatment processes, such as chemical precipitation, to further reduce costs.

Improved mixing

Jet aeration creates a turbulent flow that helps to mix the water and bacteria evenly. This improves contact between the two, which leads to a more efficient breakdown of organic matter. It reduces the chances of clogging and other problems associated with poor mixing.

Greater flexibility

Being a versatile technology, jet aeration can be used in a variety of settings, including small sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, and aerobic digestion units. This makes it a good option for treating water in remote locations where other methods are not practical.


This is a more efficient way to treat water than traditional methods, such as aeration towers. Jet aeration requires less energy and produces fewer greenhouse gases. This makes it a more environmentally friendly option for treating sewage and other water that contains organic matter.

When it comes to jet aeration need to know, this is just the beginning. If you are considering this technology for your wastewater treatment plant, contact a jet aeration specialist to learn more about how it can benefit your facility.