What do you know about your septic service in Bethel, OH? With so many septic businesses out there, it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other, even though some are obviously of higher quality than others.
One way to help narrow down your search for the best septic service in Bethel, OH is to look for titles, credentials and, of course, an accreditation from the Better Business Bureau (also know as the BBB). You’ve probably heard of the BBB before, whether you saw its logo on a small business’ website or heard it mentioned in passing from a friend. But not everyone knows just how valuable and dependable a seal of approval from the BBB really is. As a BBB-accredited septic service in Bethel, OH, we’re proud of that distinction, and of the consistently good work it takes to earn it. Here’s an overview of why you can always trust a business with an accreditation from the BBB.
- Background: Founded in 1912, the BBB’s main goal has always been to encourage and support honesty, integrity and excellence in the marketplace. With over 100 small chapters all over North America, the BBB has a wide reach, and uses its power to help the best businesses increase their visibility among consumers. It does this mainly through its accreditations, which are based on intense reviews and research into each business that applies. We know that a strong septic system is crucial to many households and businesses, and when something goes wrong, you shouldn’t have to worry about poor work or dishonest service. That’s why we went to the trouble of earning a BBB accreditation. Now, you know you can trust us.
- Criteria: The BBB is known for having rigorous requirements that a business must meet before being awarded an accreditation. These requirements are known as the Eight Standards of Trust, which are as follows: Build Trust, Advertise Honestly, Tell the Truth, Be Transparent, Honor Promises, Be Responsive, Safeguard Privacy and Embody Integrity. When you hire a BBB-accredited septic service in Bethel, OH, you’ll be working with a business that embodies all eight of those attributes.
- Consistency: Receiving a BBB accreditation is a great accomplishment for any business, but the process doesn’t stop there. A business must continue to do good work and embody integrity in order to maintain its rating. If a business drops below a “B” grade from the BBB, it is stripped of its accreditation. So if you hire a septic service that has a current BBB accreditation, you can rest assured that it isn’t out of date, and the business has not gone downhill.
- Searchable: Finally, another upside to trusting the BBB when hiring any type of business is that its website makes it easy to find businesses based on location and category. Of course, if you’re looking specifically for a BBB-accredited septic service in Bethel, OH, you don’t need to bother with the search. Just give Gullett Sanitation Services Inc a call anytime, and we’ll be happy to serve you!