After completing a number of septic services, including sludge removal and dewatering, waste water transportation in Bethel, OH is the next step. This can also be necessary if a heavy rainstorm or excessive snow melt start to fill your leach fields or lagoon. Most sites cannot accommodate all the waste water, so it needs to go somewhere else, and that destination depends on toxicity and the presence of any beneficial biosolids. This overview addresses waste water and where we ultimately take it once it is removed from your property.
Where it comes from
Lagoons and leach fields eventually become too full. This can be due to septic system use or weather issues beyond your control. During times of frequent guests in your home or lots of wet weather, it is a good idea to keep an eye on your waste water accumulation. Since it is not a good idea to reuse wastewater until it has been assessed for toxins, it is not recommended that you reduce your waste water accumulation on your own.
Waste water is also the natural result of other septic services, like sludge removal. After removal, sludge is dewatered in order to produce a clean filtrate that is returned to the environment. Excess sludge is removed from the property with the waste water.
When you discover excessive waste water accumulation, consult with a sanitation services professional. It is not within your resources to handle this on your own. We maintain a fleet of trucks with pumps that can remove the excess water and transport it efficiently and safely.
Where we take it
Law requires that we test waste water before transporting it for disposal. The results of these tests determine the type of facility for the waste water and how it is handled. They can also determine if there are beneficial biosolids that make the waste water available for other uses.
Beneficial waste is used for composting or other land applications. This can be a good reuse that is also environmentally sustainable. However, if the water contains dangerous microbes, it is transported to a treatment plant so that it is rendered harmless before disposal. Any solid waste is often incinerated or taken to a landfill, depending on its composition.
Why it needs to be removed
Septic systems and leach fields have a maximum capacity. Exceeding their capacity reduces functioning and increases the likelihood of non-beneficial bacteria in your system. Excessive precipitation or snowmelt can overwhelm soil capacity in leach fields or the ground surrounding your septic tank. If your lagoon looks overly full, chances are good that it is, and that it’s time to pump water out sooner rather than later.
Waste water management is also a time to check pumps, digesters and tank conditions. In some cases, a buildup of water is not due to environmental causes, but mechanical ones.
If it is time for waste water transportation in Bethel, OH, contact Gullettt Sanitation Services Inc. We have the experience, licensure and resources to provide this needed relief to your septic system.