How Do Your Various Septic Parts Work?

One of the biggest modern conveniences we rely on each and every day is indoor plumbing. No longer do we have to make the trek to an outhouse in the dead of winter to do our business or find an appealing bush in the woods to answer nature’s call—today, it’s as easy as flushing the toilet! And while indoor plumbing is an integral part of our homes, we tend to take it for granted.

Do you know how your septic system works? Are you aware of what happens when you flush your toilet and where your waste goes when it disappears down the pipe? Probably not. Luckily, it’s not all that hard to comprehend—all you need is a quick crash course in the various septic parts in Bethel, OH!

Take a look at how it all comes together and you might find yourself appreciating this critical home system just a little bit more the next time you’re in the bathroom:

  1. The holding tank: This is the first step for your waste once you flush. This giant tank is located deep in the ground and is where everything you put down your drain eventually ends up. Over time, solids will sink to the bottom, where they’re broken down by bacteria living in the tank. Liquids will eventually progress to the next stage of processing.
  2. The drain field: When the liquids in your holding tank reach the top, they’re going to need some place to go… and that place is called the drain field! This is a series of pipes that stem off from a single drainage pipe, branching out over the span of your property deep under the soil. Waste water—also called effluent—is jettisoned out of the tank, through the drain field pipes and deposited into the ground, where it will be absorbed by the soil.
  3. *Distribution box: Now, if you have an uphill slope where your drainfield is, your septic system might also have something called a distribution box. Think of this as an “optional” septic part in Bethel, OH that’s used in special circumstances. The distribution box will be located at the top of the slope and effluent will be pumped from the holding tank up to the distribution box. From there, the distribution box will ensure effluent is properly dispersed to the drain field via a downhill drainage method.

Now, from the above layout your septic system might look simple enough, but the fact of the matter is that each septic part has a highly complex job to do, filled with intricacies that must be closely monitored and maintained. Having a working septic system isn’t as easy as flushing and forgetting—it’s about having your tank pumped, your drain field aerated and keeping insolubles out of your holding tank.

To learn more about a specific part of your septic system or to inquire about any potential issues your various parts may be experiencing, contact the professionals at Gullett Sanitation Services, Inc. today!

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