Your entire septic system is made up of numerous parts and components that work together to serve your home. And despite the complexity and scope of the system itself, there is no single component that’s more vital to the process than the tank itself.
Your septic tank is where the magic happens and without it, you’d be in for some trouble every time you flushed your toilet! That’s why it’s so important to keep this most vital of septic parts in Bethel, OH in top working condition at all times.
But how do you know when maintenance is no longer working and a new septic tank installation is in order? This is a question that many homeowners find themselves asking when they experience a string of septic troubles right in a row. The answer depends on your unique system, but there are some clues and standards you can rely on to help you answer the question of how long your septic tank will last before it needs replacing.
What’s it made of?
The first thing to consider when measuring the potential life of your tank is what it’s made of. Septic tanks can be crafted using a variety of materials, however the most common are usually cement and treated steel.
Your first thought might be that a steel tank is going to last longer, but you might be surprised to know that concrete is actually the preferred material for longevity when it comes to your septic tank! Steel tanks have been measured to last, on average, about 15-20 years or so, given proper maintenance and care. Comparatively, concrete tanks usually see lifetimes as long as 40 years—more than double that of steel units!
Determining what your septic tank is made of is going to be the first step in defining how long its going to last you.
What’s the capacity vs. use?
Next, you’re going to want to figure out your tanks capacity and compare that to its use. This is something you’ll probably need to ask your septic contractor for help with.
Your tank is going to be rated in gallons—meaning how many gallons of liquid it can hold. Conversely, this number will correspond to a household capacity, which means the number of people the tank is designed to sustain on an ongoing basis (flow rate). For example, your 1000-gallon tank might ideally support 4 occupants—any more and you’re going to see excess strain on the tank; any less and you’re not utilizing its full capacity.
This ratio of tank size to home occupants is going to determine its cleaning schedule and also its life expectancy.
Upkeep and maintenance
Every one of your septic parts in Bethel, OH is going to need ongoing care and maintenance to function properly, including the tank. Proper upkeep and maintenance are going to be a major factor in the lifespan of your tank. Proper pumping, tank equilibrium and more can all affect the lifespan of the tank, making it imperative that you keep it in the best condition possible through routine maintenance and proper habits.
Altogether, these factors will give you an idea of your tank’s overall lifespan. Using this data and clues from your tank, you should be able to determine if your tank has more years of service left in it or if it’s time to start considering a replacement or upgrade.